Come join me on the path to optimal health and longevity!

First, please watch either Forks over Knives or Game Changers.

Start with plants. A plant-based diet focuses on whole foods and it doesn’t necessarily have to mean you’re “vegan” or any other label. It means you consume a diet rich in whole fruits, whole vegetables, whole grains, whole nuts, and seeds (limiting processed foods).

A plant-based diet is composed of natural, real ingredients that are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and nutrients to nourish the body from the inside out. Maintaining a whole-food, plant-based diet reduces our chances of developing chronic disease and increases our overall health.

Let’s Talk. Please e-mail me to set up a 15 minute call.

Save the Date. Consider joining the Plants101 or another one of my programs.

Start reading or listening: The China Study or Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.

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